Road Rash Steve, May 27, 2011 Road Rash for the Sega Genesis Road Rash was released in 1991 by Electronic Arts (EA) for the Sega Genesis. It’s a classic motorcycle racing / fighting game. The goal is to finish each race in the top position by any means necessary. You can attack your opponents with your bare fists or with weapons. There are eight different bikes you can choose from. You start out with a bike and by winning races you earn money that you can use to purchase other bikes. Once you can get a fast bike it’s a lot more fun to race. You can attack other racers by driving them off the road or into oncoming traffic. If beating racers down with your fists isn’t enough you can use chains or big clubs. The gameplay has you racing on the following California roads: Sierra Nevada Pacific Coast Redwood Forest Palm Desert Grass Valley Road Rash is a must have if you like racing or fighting games. It’s a very inexpensive and fun game to add to your collection. Road Rash Title Screen Road Rash Gameplay Road Rash Intro Road Rash Level Select Road Rash Race Over Best Sega Genesis Games 16 bit16bit1991Best of Sega GenesisEAElectronic ArtsFightingRacingRoad RashSegaSega Genesis