Battletoads Steve, May 10, 2011 Battletoads [youtube=] Battletoads was released by Tradewest in 1991 for the NES. It’s is a beat em up platformer game. The story goes that an evil woman named “the Dark Queen” is trying to take control of the universe. She kidnapped one of your toad buddies (Pimple) so you need to save him. You can play as either of the other toads: Rash or Zitz. As the story unfolds you learn more about the Dark Queen’s evil plans and how you can stop her. This game has very good graphics for it’s time. Since it was released in 1991 a lot of gamers had moved on to other systems like the Sega Genesis or Turbografx 16. The gameplay is fun and very challenging. It’s really the best playing in two player simultaneous mode with a friend. It’s much more fun to play the game through in co-op except the only bad thing is that your friend can hit you so you need to be careful not to kill each other. To me, this game is fondly remembered as one of the hardest games to complete for the NES or any system for that matter. It also has some of the best ever in game pause music. If you don’t believe me try it out! Battletoads Title Screen Battletoads Intro Battletoads Gameplay Battletoads Gamplay 2 Battletoads Boss Battletoads Cut Scene Best Nintendo NES Games Reviews and Gameplay Videos 19918 bitActionBattletoadsBeat em upNESNintendo NESPlatformerTradewestTwo player