Double Dragon 2 The Revenge Steve, May 15, 2011 [youtube=] Double Dragon 2 was released in 1990 by Acclaim for the NES. Double Dragon 2 was a port of the beat em up arcade game of the same name. The NES version contains five more levels of gameplay for a total of nine levels. The NES version also added cut scenes in between levels. Double Dragon 2 is remembered as being one of the better arcade game to NES ports from back in the day. You play as the brothers Billy and Jimmy Lee. You are fighting to avenge the death of your girlfriend Marian who was killed by the last boss of the game called the Mysterious Warrior. Double Dragon 2 had something that was missing in the first NES version of Double Dragon: two player co-op mode. Now you could play through the story with a friend which made things a lot more fun. Thankfully you can choose whether or not you wanted to be able to hurt your co-op partner by selecting either game mode A or B. In Mode A, if you hit the other player you will not hurt each other and with Mode B, attacking the other player will give damage. The fighting gameplay has changed from the first Double Dragon a bit also. Depending on what side of your character the enemy is on the punch and kicks button switch. So instead of just A for punch and B for kick it changes. A lot of gamers didn’t like this but I don’t think it’s that big of a deal. It didn’t take me long to get used to it but I guess everybody is different. A new move was added a spinning hurricane jump kick. It’s a good move to use to clear out areas with a lot of enemies. The controls are good but in some areas of the gameplay and in other areas they are bad. The player vs enemy controls are well done but in some parts of the game you need to make jumps over pits like in a platformer game but Double Dragon 2 isn’t really made for that. It can be difficult and frustrating in some areas but it’s not enough that it ruins the gameplay. It just feels like you can die some really cheap deaths. Double Dragon 2 is cheap to purchase off the internet on sites like eBay. It’s defiantly worth the little money it costs to add it to your NES game collection. The two player co-op mode is where it’s at! Double Dragon 2 Title Screen Double Dragon 2 Gameplay Double Dragon 2 Gameplay 2 Double Dragon 2 Gameplay 3 Double Dragon 2 Gameplay 4 Double Dragon 2 Boss Double Dragon 2 Boss 2 Best Nintendo NES Games Reviews and Gameplay Videos 19908 bitAcclaimarcadeBeat em upBest of NESDouble Dragon 2Double Dragon IINESNintendoTwo player