NES games with Famicom converters inside Steve, January 9, 2012 View of the inside of a regular 5 screw NES game View of inside a 5 screw NES Game containing a Famicom Converter Some of the early released NES games from 1985 have a hidden treasure inside: Famicom to NES converters/adapters. These converters will allow you play Japanese Famicom games on your NES Top Loader or NES Toaster. All the early NES games are of the 5 screw case design so it’s easy to open them with a standard flat blade screw driver. This is a great reason to check your games to see if you have a surprise inside. If the NES game has a converter inside it’s going to weigh more than a regular NES game so you may be able to tell without even having to open it. I’ve checked several of my games and was lucky to find out that my copies of Gyromite and Pinball both contain Famicom to NES converters. The games you are most likely to find the Famicom converters in are in no: (Note: this is from my own personal experience so use at your own discretion) Stack Up (All should have it) Gyromite (Some will have it) Pinball (Some will have it) Kung Fu (Some will have it) Excitebike (Some will have it) Wrecking Crew (Some will have it) Golf (Some will have it) Duck Hunt (Some will have it) Nintendo NES 19855 screwAdapterConverterEarly ReleaseFamicomGyromiteNESNintendoNintendo NESPinball