How to fix ROB the Robot Steve, January 26, 2012 I recently picked up an original NES Deluxe set from a garage sale for only $40. It was a complete set and in the original box with Rob the Robot! Obviously I couldn’t pass up a deal this good. Here’s some pics of the NES Deluxe Set Box for your viewing pleasure =) NES Deluxe Set Box Front NES Deluxe Set Box Bottom NES Deluxe Set Box Back NES Deluxe Set Box Side NES Deluxe Set Box Styrofoam NES Deluxe Set Box Contents Upon returning home to test it I found that everything worked perfectly except ROB wouldn’t move up or down. I was able to fix ROB so I thought I would share some knowledge on what I did to fix the problem. How to fix ROB It’s much easier to fix him if you turn him upside down. This is due to the fact that ROB is filled with gears and if he’s upside down the gears will not fall out when you remove the screws that hold ROB’s torso together. NES ROB Repair - ROB Turned Upside Down Once the ROB’s torso screws are out the inside will look like this: NES ROB Inside View When ROB can’t move up or down it’s almost always do the the front gear/axle assembly. Back in the day Nintendo glued a part of it together and over time the glue can dry out and when that happens the gears won’t turn on the axle. Below is a picture of the gear I’m talking about: NES ROB Inside Problems All you need to do is remove of ROB’s as well as the gears that move the arms. Next you can remove the gear/axle assembly and put super glue on the part listed in the previous pic. Reassembly It’s much easier if you prop up ROB’s arms when you put him back together. You need to make sure everything lines up otherwise you will have to take it apart again because it will not work unless it’s lined up perfectly. The outcome Best NES Accessories Nintendo NES Repair and Modding 1985Deluxe SetFixGyromiteNESNintendoProblemR.O.B.R.O.B. the RobotROBRob the robotRobot seriesRobotic operating buddyStack-up
Are you supposed to glue those gears to the metal axle itself, or are they supposed to be loose and slide around? Log in to Reply
There’s 3 points where you glue the gear onto the axle. Send me an email if you have any more questions about it. Log in to Reply
Thanks for the post. This one is what I am looking for. Keep up the good work blogger. Log in to Reply
Great guide and very handy for future reference. You should open the ROB The Robot Hospital! Log in to Reply