Super Mario Bros Steve, May 12, 2011 [youtube=] Super Mario Bros (SMB) was released in 1985 by Nintendo for the NES. It’s easily one of the most recognizable video games ever and the most popular game ever produced for the NES. SMB was the best selling video game for more than 20 years selling over 40 million copies. Super Mario Bros popularity is what led to Mario being a household name and on products from food to underwear. It also resurrected the video game industry after the great video game crash of 1983. SMB was the sequel to the arcade classic Mario Brothers. The gameplay is similar to Mario Brothers but there are differences ie: in SMB you can jump on a turtle to kill it, in Mario Bros you had to jump to hit the turtle from underneath and then run up to it and kick it. The story goes that the evil Bowser had kidnapped Princess Toadstool. You can play as either Mario or Luigi on your quest to find out what castle Bowser has Princess Toadstool hidden in. There are 8 worlds in the game. Each world consists of 3 levels and 1 castle level. To complete a world you must defeat all 4 levels. SMB was the first time you could get a giant mushroom, a fireflower to throw fireballs or the famous invincibility star. These became Nintendo staples would be forever understood by gamers and appear in countless Nintendo games to this day. SMB was available in several different cartridges for the NES. You could get SMB by itself, in a combo cart with Duck Hunt, and with Duck Hunt and World Class Track Meet in another combo cart. There are also 5 screw cart and 3 screw cart variations available. There were some famous glitches in SMB. The infamous minus world glitch is one that comes to mind. Some of the other glitches involved mushrooms falling through the screen and infinite 1ups that can lock up the game. SMB is one of the cheapest to purchase NES games so there’s no excuse if you don’t own a copy. It’s a video game masterpiece that will always be remembered as one of the greatest games ever. Super Mario Bros Title Screen Super Mario Bros Level Start Super Mario Bros Gameplay Super Mario Bros Gameplay 2 Super Mario Bros Gameplay 3 Super Mario Bros Gameplay 4 Super Mario Bros Gameplay 5 Super Mario Bros Flag Pole Super Mario Bros 1up Super Mario Bros Warp Zone Super Mario Bros Warp Zone 2 Best Nintendo NES Games Reviews and Gameplay Videos 19858 bitBest of NESBowserClassicGlitchLuigiNESNintendoPlatformerPrincess ToadstoolSMBSuper Mario BrosSuper Mario Brothers