Nintendo NES Opening Title Screen Intro Videos Steve, June 16, 2013 A compilation of Nintendo NES Opening Title Screen Intro Videos. Some games have the title theme and demo gameplay footage while others just are the static title screen. Adventure Island 8 Eyes A Nightmare on Elm Street Contra GI Joe Life Force Power Blade Balloon Fight The Goonies 2 Bonk’s Adventure Nightshade DuckTales Contra Force Journey To Silius Zombie Nation Castlevania Kid Icarus Final Fantasy Pinbot Blades of Steel Faxanadu Double Dragon Clash at Demon Head Felix the Cat Mega Man 2 Mario is Missing Ultima Exodus Title Screen Intro Videos 8 bit8 Eyes8bitAdventure IslandAttract ModeDemoHudson's Adventure IslandMain ThemeNESNintendoNintendo NESTaxanThemeTitle Screen Video